The Powys Review

Editor: Belinda Humfrey

Advisory Board: Marius Buning (Free University, Amsterdam): Glen Cavaliero (St Catherine's, Cambridge); T. J. Diffey (University of Sussex); Peter Easingwood (University of Dundee); Michel Gresset (Paris VII University); Ian Hughes (UW, Bangor); Ben Jones (Carleton University); Charles Lock (University of Copenhagen); Ned Lukacher (University of Illinois at Chicago); J. Lawrence Mitchell (University of Minnesota); Elmar Schenkel (University of Leipzig).

The Powys Review, launched in 1977, appeared twice a year until 1990, since then annually, in a large attractive format with high production values and approx. 80 pages per issue. It addresses audiences throughout the world interested in the works of the Powys brothers, in Welsh writing in English, and in modern and contemporary literature in general. Its back-numbers (contents/index) constitute the most important and diverse body of scholarship and critical discussion available about the Powys brothers.

(Click on covers for more detail)
