A visit to the Weymouth Sands of John Cowper Powys [ ⇒ continue... ]
Nietzsche maintained the admirable opinion that all exciting and enlarging human thoughts come to their originators' heads in the process of walking. Philosophy that is worthy of the name is a walking Philosophy.
In front of them now as they walked in silence — for Richard found it impossible to shout his philosophical ideas to a girl on a wall; and indeed he began to experience a mild sensual pleasure from the sight of those slender legs as they moved along above him — there could be discerned the whole expanse of that shining bay, buttressed, on the east, by the most remarkable stretch of cliffs, the most varied in geological formation, the most monumental in the grandeur of its curves, that can be found anywhere round the whole coast of England. This noble line of cliffs, beginning to mount up, as Perdita's eyes followed it now, behind the black-and-white building familiarly spoken of as "the Coast-Guards", stretched away in a south-easterly direction, past the majestic promontory of the White Nose, till it ended with St. Alban's Head.
(...) Sometimes her gaze would turn from the line of cliffs in front of her and veering northward would wander over the wide expanse of salt-marshes by which the road was bounded.(...)
"I haven't made it clear enough to her," thought Mr. Gaul, "how in every human soul there is something that is beyond and outside the astronomical world. It all depends on that point."