The Powys Heritage monographs are an ongoing series embracing the life, works and times of the Powys family and their circle. The series aims to be as varied in themes and approaches as the Powyses were varied in its members, ambitions and achievements.
The general editor, Anthony Head, welcomes proposals and suggestions for booklets in this series. The ideal essay would be between 6,000 and 10,000 words (exceptions can be made for longer or shorter pieces) on any topic relating to the Powys family and their circle. It should preferably be discursive or anecdotal rather than purely 'academic', and based on personal associations or impressions.
If you have a project in which you think we may be interested, please get in touch with Anthony Head, at his Japan address:
Higashi-Nakano 5-23-6-1102,
Tokyo 164, Japan
e-mail ahead@gol.com
or at his UK address, whence mail will be forwarded:
1 Woodfield Gardens,
Dorset BH23 4QA
UK |