Printing a PDF file as a booklet
The margins and A4 page size of the PDF files are chosen so that the documents may easily be printed by most printing services equipped with the latest print-on-demand equipment, preferably as an A4 size wire-bound booklet. The cost of a booklet even in unit quantities should then be only £4 or £5, since a 50 page document only needs 25 recto-verso A4 sheets.
The printer may agree to download the file himself, otherwise you would need to download and copy it to a USB key or burn it to a CD-RW.
Alternatively you can have printing and binding done by the Hon. Secretary of the Powys Society. The cost varies according to the number of pages and the necessary postage. If you would like any Companions printed and wire-bound please send a cheque to:
Peter Lazare
25 Mansfield Road
Somerset TA1 3NJ
Costs for printing, binding and postage are:
Please make cheques out to Peter Lazare, not the Powys Society. For non-UK orders please pay in pounds sterling through a bank in the UK or by International Giro or by Sterling International Money Order.
Examples of A5 or A4 booklets have been shown at the Powys Conferences since 2004 and donated for sale at the Book Sale. If any further information is required, Jacqueline Peltier may be contacted by e-mail at: