William Faulkner (1897-1962)

His fourth book, The Sound and the Fury was published the same year as Wolf Solent, 1929. In his 1929 Diary, for October 14, John Cowper mentions having just bought it at Danber & Pine, a New York bookshop. In Letters to Louis Wilkinson, Powys mentions another book by Faulkner:

By the way I thought William Falkner's (sic) last book "Absolom, Absolom" was very good — the best novel I've read for years — well! to my taste — since Conrad ... (September 20, 1937)

It is quite characteristic of Powys that he was perfectly conscious of the strong resemblances that existed between himself and some of the 'feverish', the 'morbid', the fantastical writers from the South as he called them, a group which necessarily included Faulkner.