Darrow, Clarence (1857-1938)

In 1925, Clarence Darrow was the defending counsel in the celebrated Scopes "Monkey" trial in Dayton, Tenn.
This was when I was living in Patchin Place and the famous Clarence Darrow came to see me. Since Daniel Webster's, no human skull can have appeared on this continent with such "deep scars of thunder entrenched" as this singular man's. From very early days Darrow had supported me, just as Masters and Dreiser have done, though I have never been as intimate with him as with these others, his rivals, though not quite his contemporaries, for he is several years older, in the wonder and awe of my own generation of great Americans. ...
I naturally regarded the visit of this great Lawyer for the Defence, this smouldering and inspired Devil's Advocate, this champion of all Dogs with a Bad Name, as a high compliment, and mingled with my Boswellian respect for the man was, I have no doubt, an element of pride that I was the person thus honoured. Theodore certainly would have noted this element in the nervous agitation of his elder brother. But, after a while, not being one for what they call light conversation, Darrow asked if I wouldn't "read him something." I was on the point of explaining that mu works were out of print and that just then I possessed none of them worthy of his notice, when — not exactly with a blush but with a certain burning sensation in my cheek-bones — I came to understand that it was not from my work that the great man wanted me to read. Indeed it soon appeared as I threw myself — heart-whole now — into my reading from Mr Weston's Good Wine that this savage enemy of illusions regarded both Llewelyn and me as simply not in the running with Theodore. (Autobiography)

...The only revenge I practised on this formidable great man for his preference for the Second Powys Brother Writer over the Eldest and Youngest was not to offer him any of my 'boot-legged' whiskey... He likes my lectures — though— I must console myself with that. (John Cowper in a letter to Theodore Powys, 21 May 1929)
Clarence Darrow is also mentioned by Emma Goldman:
I had never met Darrow, but I had long known of him as a brilliant lawyer, a man of broad social views, an able writer and lecturer. According to the newspapers he had interested himself in the anarchists arrested in the raid... (Living My Life, I)
See also the contemporary portrait of Clarence Darrow by the well-known Oregon atheist Art Thomas (1908-2005), with some quotations from Emanuel Haldeman-Julius.

Clarence Darrow was the author of different essays, including:
Why I am an Agnostic
The Myth of the Soul
Facing Life Fearlessly