(Library of Congress)

Burlesque Shows

    In regard to my vicious under-life, America gave me as lively an encouragement with her burlesque shows as Paris had done with her wicked books.
    I was quite a long time in America before I discovered this country's grand vent and outlet for the repressions of a puritanical public opinion. I refer to the burlesque shows. For the benefit of such of my fellow-countrymen as are unacquainted with this stage performance I must tell you that the burlesque show - at least this was the case thirty years ago - was attended almost entirely by men. They were extraordinary performances - at least so it seemed to me - and it was almost unbelievable to me that such heavenly sights could be permitted to be seen at all in a world like ours, 'rigged in the eclipse and built with curses dark.' (Autobiography)

Trapeze disrobing act — Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 1901

Two stills from the above title in the Edison films catalogue. The scene is on the stage of a vaudeville theatre. A lady dressed in evening costume on a trapeze begins to undress and to throw her clothes towards the two gentlement seated on the left.

The complete film lasts about one minute and can be viewed by downloading from the Library of Congress site.